November 26, 2019 | by verb
November 19, 2019 | by verb
One of the biggest challenges when being your own boss, is the fact that you need to completely organize yourself. Nobody is telling you what to do and when to do it. It’s all in your own head.
November 5, 2019 | by verb
Have you ever wondered what key elements make up a successful company? What is it that keeps a company thriving? There are plenty of components that contribute to a growing bottom line, but there is...
August 15, 2019 | by verb
We’re pleased to announce that Verb is GDPR compliant! If you’re not familiar with European data-gathering guidelines, no worries—we’ve broken it down to help you learn exactly what that means and...
July 30, 2019 | by verb
July 2, 2019 | by verb
We can confidently say that the words, “I regret incorporating video into my marketing strategy” have never been spoken.
June 25, 2019 | by verb
According to Nielsen research, recommendations are one of the top five influences on consumer decisions. The Pew Research Center says that 72% of people get news from friends and family, making...
June 18, 2019 | by verb
It’s no secret: activity = income. So, how do you encourage your distributors to create that activity? The answer is simple—tools!
June 11, 2019 | by verb
One of the most under-appreciated strategies in marketing, yet, one of the most powerful, is the call to action. There is a huge misconception that the call to action is a simple prompt at the end of...