Hussle Blog & News

Why Some Companies are Keeping ‘Work-from-Home’ Forever

Written by verb | Jul 28, 2020 3:30:00 PM

I can’t remember another time in my life where making so many trips up and down a staircase is actually enjoyable. Seriously. The daily motivation I get just from looking at my Apple watch at the end of the day is actually exhilarating.


“Congratulations on closing your movement ring,” seems to be a daily message I receive. And although it’s not the highlight of my day, it does add a sweet victory to an already productive day of working from home. My still seemingly new and short commute from bedroom to kitchen to office, has quite a few perks, and if you didn’t catch on yet, many companies have seen reasons to not let go of this normality.


Made the switch

Companies big and small have found their groove and taken the challenge of allowing people to find theirs. With everything from major sports cancelations and school at all levels seeing closures, it only has made sense. Google will let employees work from home until at least next summer, and 13 other major companies have announced employees can work remotely long term.


It seems like making these ‘fall in suit’ decisions has been the only way a company could survive during these times. But let’s not forget how different each scenario is, and how vital each one of these company-wide decisions can be to the longevity of their business. Aside from some companies having to close their doors, and many others needing assistance or making pay cuts, the prized community of ‘work-from-homers’ seem to have the best seat in the house.

We should feel ultimately blessed.

The Future is Upon Us

Working effectively from home seems to be something that many of us took on naturally. Whether you’re working remotely one day per week (or more) or full-time, by choice or because of a health situation or weather event, it’s important to ensure that you are set up to be productive. Many of us have a designated workspace with the right technology, and dealing with kids, pets and other potential disruptions hasn’t really stopped our flow. It’s nice to take the pup for a walk, during the call you don’t have to be on camera. And, although we dreaded looking forward to what this summer would be like for our kids, it’s not so bad.

If this is our future workplace for the NEXT six months (because remember when 6 weeks was a thing?), I think we’re well equipped to be honest.



It’s seems like we’ve gotten it down. Zoom call, Slack message, quick responses to emails, repeat. This is all very familiar these days, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard a co-worker say, “Oh shoot, I completely forgot about that.” (Cheers to you, team!) It’s been part of our nature to adapt, and these times have been no different. Let’s recap some feelings we had about this issue in mid-April.


As an employer, there are some things we have done to mitigate the damaging effects of this type of workday on our workforce. When Covid was just starting, we were seeing longer workdays that seemed to be just frightening when thinking about them. We’ve overcome employee scheduling and have definitely made more time to chat with other about the things that make us tick. We check in regularly and have made time to have to have some fun together. It seems to be the perfect mix to find our groove, and from what we are hearing other companies have done the same. 


Final Say

Working from home has proven to be just as exciting as an 8-mile morning commute, and during these times, it seems like many of us are just appreciative for the little victories. (*Looks down at Apple watch and smiles*) Seeing other companies confidently change their structure has been empowering and even profitable, provided you are realistic about the pros and cons.


Whether you are a freelancer, a company part-timer, or a full-time employee who just doesn't hit the office on certain days, it has been a way to escape the daily grind. But there are added responsibilities that come with freedom, not to mention planning, foresight, self-discipline, and focus. With the experience we all are gaining this year, it’s only expected that our future business endeavors will be met with vigor and patience. In that spirit, let’s cheers to a new workday ahead.


- verb