Hussle Blog & News

Video Marketing is a Must in 2019

Written by verb | Feb 19, 2019 4:00:00 PM

     Now that the long month of January is over (was that an 82-day month, or what?), and we are well into February, the excitement of resolutions and inspiration are dying down. This is a time when we tend to fall back into old routines and habits as we search for some other form of inspiration. Don’t let this affect your marketing! We want you to stay strong in your marketing game and help you shift your focus during a time of year when things can become stagnate. Video marketing is no longer a way of the future; video is happening NOW and has evolved into the most effective tool used for customer engagement. Here is why video marketing should become a primary strategy in 2019.  


     Video marketing will help boost connections. Period. Undoubtedly, we live in a world that craves interaction while still maintaining a busy schedule. Watching video is effortless, yet, engaging. Video gives viewers the opportunity to have an experience and feel more involved. Just look at the evolution of social media platforms. Users want to see and feel what is happening around them. Watching video sparks emotion. Video marketing allows you to control the emotion, tone, vibe, and message, that you are hoping customers receive through text.  According to a HubSpot study, 72 percent of consumers prefer video to text marketing information, and 54 percent of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support. Viewers retain more information from video than text, so get creative and give consumers what they want!


     Don’t limit your video marketing to ads. Have fun and utilize all that video has to offer in 2019. Sure, fitting video into your already tight budget might be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. While creating and posting ads to your website and social media page is useful, tap into the “live” streaming and “stories” on social media for no cost. Consider taking viewers through a live, behind-the-scenes process that showcases your business’s employees and work ethic. Stay relevant through using stories on Facebook and Instagram, and always have content for your followers to view throughout the day. Imagine all the content you have personally viewed while sitting at a restaurant waiting for your friend to arrive, or while you are laying in bed trying to fall asleep. In 2018, 400 million people were using Instagram stories, and there is no sign of a decrease for 2019. Not only can stories get content out there, but it can also facilitate even more engagement by asking followers to reply. Jump on this trend!


     Going to a conference? Film your experience! Who are you interacting with at the event? What is the purpose of attending? These are interesting aspects of business that often are left unseen by consumers. What about posting a ‘how to’ video to your website? Give your audience the opportunity to quickly and easily learn about how your product can improve their life. 

Providing demo videos will increase your return on investment; 90 percent of consumers say that the decision-making process is made easier with product videos, as reported by Hubspot. The opportunities to successfully get your message out there are endless, and a creative video post can help capture and communicate your brand message effectively in a short amount of time.


     Making the decision to dedicate a portion of the marketing budget to video can cause some understandable anxiety. We get it, you want to be sure that you are going to get a return on your investment. We believe the proof is in the pudding. As mentioned earlier, consumers want to see more videos from the brands they follow. Additionally, a Forbes article states that YouTube reports a 100 percent increase in mobile video consumption per year. Yes…Per. Year. And now, 86 percent of businesses have staff dedicated to creating videos in-house, as reported by Hubspot. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand this trend. Businesses have taken notice of video domination and are acting on it by steadily increasing the amount of budget allotted to go towards video marketing while dishing out video posts in any way possible. It is safe to say that in 2019, videos will take over most internet traffic.   


     Measuring the success of video marketing is just another step in the process. Of course, Verb has got you covered. Our software, taggCRM, will provide you with the analytics to drive your next move. Unfortunately, not every video that is created and posted is going to be a success. Instead of constantly wondering how your video is impacting sales, know how your video is impacting sales with the analytics provided to you from taggCRM. That ‘how to’ video you posted to your business website—did it increase sales? Discover the answer to questions like this by adding clickable taggs to videos to track your leads and identify the number of clicks or length of time a video is viewed. With taggCRM, you can begin to understand the impact of your message. 


     Continue to strive for meaningful connection with your customers. If you haven’t already shifted your marketing focus to video, don’t waste any more time on outdated approaches. And, don’t waste any more time in the dark being unsure which videos are working, and which are not.


Schedule a demo with us to find out how Verb can help guide your next move!


- verb