Hussle Blog & News

Verb Spotlight – Melissa Holdgate

Written by Melissa Holdgate | Feb 2, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Welcome to a new blog series, Verb spotlight, where we shine the light on some of our incredible Verb team members. Today, we’re introducing Melissa Holdgate, our Senior Affiliate Marketing Manager, and what a typical day in her life looks like.

Every day starts in a similar way. My alarm clock rings, I hit snooze usually 2, maybe 3 times. On the final alarm, I finally get out of bed and start my day. Every morning starts with a hot cup of coffee and some exercise. Most days I will either do a short yoga flow class or go for a walk around my neighborhood.

From start to finish, the average day in the life of an affiliate marketing manager consists of a mix of partner recruitment, marketing campaign development, coaching, and team meetings.



I usually start work around 7:30 AM by going through my emails and getting organized for the day ahead, adjusting my schedule if needed to fit in pressing projects.

Then, I connect with the sales team on a daily stand-up call to discuss key priorities, upcoming product demos, current client launches, and so on. We also take this opportunity to brainstorm sales pitch best practices and learn from each other's potential customer conversations. I also use this time to discuss any verbLIVE client launches we are working on and new partnerships we are developing. At the end of the day, it’s all about working together as a team to achieve a common goal.

A few days every week, I also join the creative team's daily stand-up to discuss what creative initiatives they are working on that week, review on-going projects, and outline any potential creative assets our partners will need in the near future.



This is my time to get focused and reach out to potential partners to discuss the problems their customers are facing in the market today and how our products can help. I spend this time reaching out to a mix of affiliate partners, publishers, referral partners, and technology solutions we could integrate with to bring our customers additional value.

It’s important to continuously prospect new partners to combat partner fatigue, learn more about the market landscape, increase our brand awareness, and, of course, find additional partners whose customer base could benefit from Verb’s sales tools.

I also dedicate many of my mornings to scheduled introductory and training calls for new partners, demonstrating and training them on the intricacies and benefits of using verbLIVE and verbTEAMS.

As of late I’ve been spending time with our current verbCRM clients educating them on verbLIVE, our e-commerce livestream platform. During these meetings we discuss the benefits verbLIVE would bring to their field rep’s day-to-day operations and the ways it could increase their sales.



During my lunch break I enjoy taking my lunch outside when the weather permits, and luckily for me that is most days living in Southern California. Usually, I will prepare my lunches ahead of time to make the days as stress-free as possible. I’ll spend this break catching up on industry news and current events.



The afternoon is when I focus on creative tasks like writing copy for partner outreach, building marketing creatives for affiliates to promote our products, and fine tuning the partner messaging. These emails and creative resources enable our affiliates and partners to easily convey the value of our solution and attract potential customers.

Each afternoon I’ll spend a few minutes researching the industries that are important to us at Verb, new trends in affiliate marketing, and other potential ways we can utilize outside the box ideas to grow our business.

I’ll often end my day by reviewing the tasks I completed that I can scratch off my to-do list and making a plan for the following day to complete any projects I am still working on and prepare for any scheduled calls.

Naturally, I have to modify this schedule to accommodate other people’s schedules and pressing commitments when needed.



Like most of you, I enjoy a good work-life balance and look forward to unwinding at the end of the day. Without an evening commute I have more time to spend on my hobbies and getting active. Typically, I will do some kind of workout like a cycling or HIIT circuit class to get the endorphins flowing, or go for a sunset walk on the beach.

I have always greatly enjoyed cooking! Most nights my boyfriend Ben and I alternate cooking fresh homecooked meals like tacos, chicken piccata, or a salad with air-fried salmon. I spend the rest of the evening unwinding by spending some time on my hobbies like watercolor painting, reading, or watching a binge-worthy Netflix show.

This is a glimpse into my life as a senior affiliate marketing manager at Verb. What stays constant is my steady enthusiasm and passion for learning how we can best support our partners, bring our products to new markets, and grow the business. Thanks for joining in to learn a little bit more about me!


To learn more about Melissa and her role at Verb, check out her Spotlight video

And, if you’re interested in learning more about any of the platforms or tools Melissa mentioned, feel free to reach out at here!



About the author:
Verb’s own top partner liaison, Melissa Holdgate is a Senior Affiliate Marketing Manager. As a graduate from the University of Rhode Island and a former Chinese Language Flagship program ambassador with a degree in International Business, she brings important real-world experience from around the globe to Verb. When she’s not heading up our Affiliate Program for verbLIVE, she’s most often found working on her artistic interests like watercolor painting, or outside enjoying nature.