Hussle Blog & News

The AI of now vs the AI of the future

Written by nFusz Admin | Dec 4, 2018 4:00:00 PM

For years, decades even, anyone with the slightest imagination has imagined a world where machines have more than a power switch and a series of processes. The ‘war against machines’ started way before time traveling cyborgs were trying to eliminate us, and because of that, the way we side-eye our coffee maker in the morning gives a sense of control we usually don’t have to question. Or do we?


Artificial intelligence is not just a noun, it’s actually defined as a ‘field of study’. The ongoing experimentation of condensing our very complex world with the aid of computers, has the makings of many more sci-fi films surrounded around the topic. In the Steven Spielberg film, Artificial Intelligence, the trailer has a very logical quote towards the end. “Some of us will embrace it, some will fear it.”

            More than a decade later, an amazing film (Ex Machina) decided to push the envelope even more. The story revolving around an experiment with a robot and a programmer, would send chills up your spine, as you see their interactions unfold. This line delivered by two of the lead actors, is the film in a nutshell:


Nathan - “Do you know what the Turing test is?”

Caleb - “It’s when a human interacts with a computer. And if the human doesn’t know they’re interacting with a computer, the test is passed.”


Again, some of us will embrace it - some will fear it!


How does this pan into our business? What do VERY lifelike robots have to do with making our businesses thrive? Well for starters, even though these preceding movie references are heavy on the science side, don’t be misled. It’s always about the money!


Huge corporations develop their business model around the precision and safety of machines, their capacity to store endless amounts of data, and combination of the two where the code beyond the motherboard, it sifts the data and precisely executes a process. We’ve all reaped the benefits of a good Pandora station suggesting what our next hit will be. Or after our Uber ride across town and it’s time to order our return trip, the app suggests a route to head home first. My phone, computer and car are always with me, and each one is always assisting in my daily life. Every new tech product that hits the market, opens more doors to solutions we would have not thought possible in years before.


That’s why we believe our interactive video platform is ahead of the curve and leading the industry. This is the environment we are preparing to create for our users. After a prospective client has clicked buttons within an interactive video, follow-up videos and suggestions based on the data received will be sent out. The sales cycle will dramatically decrease (which is a great thing) as the prospect has a more engaging experience with even more touch points. On the back end, the user can view all of the analytics in real-time. With AI growing consistently, it’s easy to see the endless possibilities decision making within interactive videos will be commanding a true presence in every market.


Don’t believe us? Check out this reported list, showing ways how you are using AI every day.


  1. Smartphones

You don’t let anything hold you back,

If you use a smart assistant, whether it’s the Google assistant, Siri, Alexa or Bixby, you are interacting with AI.


  1. Google Maps

Using anonymized location data from your smartphone, Google can analyze the speed of movement of traffic at any given time and help commuters avoid traffic incidents like construction and accidents.


  1. Ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft

How do you think they determine the price of your ride or the wait time? Many ridesharing apps use machine learning to determine ETAs for rides, costs and optimal routes for drivers.


  1. Email

While your email inbox may seem like an unlikely place for AI, you may want to look at one of its most important features — the spam filter. Through the use of machine learning algorithms, many email services can filter out a majority of spam emails through key words and message metadata.


  1. Banking

A majority of banks now offer the ability to deposit checks through a smartphone app, eliminating the need for customers to go to an ATM or bank. According to several reports, a vast majority of those banks which offer the service rely on technology developed by Mitek, which uses AI to decipher and convert handwriting on checks into texts.


  1. Social Networking

Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat all use AI, whether it’s through facial filters, auto-suggesting emoji or hashtags, for ad placements. Facebook also uses the technology to personalize your newsfeed and ensure that you’re seeing posts that interest you.


  1. Online Shopping

Whether it’s Amazon, Walmart or one of your favorite retailers, many e-commerce sites are using AI to help you shop by suggesting products it thinks you might like.


            Any of this familiar? It looks like automation is the thing every industry is trying to get a hold of, and without it, where would our world truly be? Adding automation artificial intelligence to your business puts you in the curve. If you properly control the analytics you receive, you will cross the finish line more consistently and that’s the future you want for your company. There isn’t sci-fi movie made (yet) about nFusz’s augmented sales experience, but if any of this has caught your eye, be prepared, this will definitely be an on-going conversation.  If you also have not heard of SnakeBot, Sophia the Robot, or eMotion Butterfly, check out this very funny clip from Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show. 

- nFusz