Hussle Blog & News

The 90s Is Calling

Written by Heather Hanson | Jan 26, 2021 4:00:00 PM

The Evolution of SaaS Timeline Part 1: The 90s

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....scratch that last part, it was totally rad! Welcome to our first foray into the 90s, part of this year’s Evolution of SaaS Series. (Not quite sure what we’re talking about? Check out this post to read more about what you missed.)

Today, we thought we’d take a minute to take a look back at some of the greatest things to come out of a generation that, was to many of, us, da bomb. We don’t have a DeLorean (Back to the Future came out in the 80s, after all), but we’d like to invite you down this virtual stroll into the past.

Worried that our timeline will be solely tech focused? As if! We’ve sprinkled milestones from music, pop culture, video games and more to make sure everyone can find something that makes their heart skip a beat with nostalgia. So, put on your frosted eyeshadow, dig out your old Gameboy and get ready to take a walk down memory lane.

Without further ado, we present: 

Verb’s Evolution of SaaS 90s Timeline!

Have you been inspired to create a 90s Spotify station? Are you craving that signature plastic-meets-popcorn scent of Blockbuster? Us too. Remember, this timeline is just the beginning of our series, which will span the time when SaaS first came on the scene to when Verb made its grand entrance, and all the way into the future. We can’t wait to take you on this journey with us!


Wrapping up

Any key event you feel like we totally missed? Let us know! And, as always, feel free to get in touch if you’re interested in learning about how Verb can help you discover creative solutions to your business problems—whether they be modern or a little bit retro. We’re here to help!




About the author:
Wife, supermom, foodie and talented critic, Heather Hanson, is a skilled veteran in copy writing, editing, creative writing, and social media outreach. She brings a lot to the table with Verb, and has been recognized by our company as our National Treasure.