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How to Use Explainer Videos in Your Marketing Campaigns

Written by Scott Miraglia of Elevation Marketing | Oct 29, 2019 3:00:00 PM

There are multiple elements that make up a good marketing campaign. There’s social media, email marketing, and blogging, not to mention everything that goes into making your website a beautiful, conversion-powered asset.

All of these work together to help you sell more products, but they aren’t the only things that help shoot your conversion rates through the roof.

In fact, there is one thing you might not have considered yet but that might be an absolute game changer for your marketing campaigns.

We’re talking about explainer videos here.

According to the 2017 State of Video Marketing report, 97% of brands that use explainer videos say it helps users to better understand their business. Not only do they help convey potentially complex concepts quickly, but they’re also much more engaging than a page of solid text.

So how can you incorporate this goldmine into your marketing strategy? We’ve got some tips up our sleeve for you.

  1. Get Traffic to Your Site

The first stages of any marketing campaign involves getting the attention of prospects and directing them to your website.

76% of businesses that responded to the State of Video Marketing report said that using an explainer video has helped them increase traffic to their website.

This is because explainer videos are more likely to get shared on social media thanks to their visual nature, and the fact that they can get your message across quickly, concisely, and in a fun way.

Short explainer videos are perfect social media fodder.

They don’t have to be directly related to your product, but they can teach something useful or share a fun fact - anything that’s interesting to your prospects.

Copyblogger does a great job at this with their short videos explaining content marketing terms.


  1. Generate Conversions On Your Website

Once you’ve got visitors to your website, it’s time to put on a show and get across why they should buy from you.

Again, explainer videos help you showcase your products and services in a quick and engaging way, so sprinkle them around your website to boost conversions.


Where to Put an Explainer Video on Your Website

Your Homepage

Start by incorporating a video onto your homepage - the most obvious place to put one and one of the busiest pages of your site. This keeps people on the page longer and actually increases your chances of converting them by 20%.

Grammarly has a really cool explainer video on its homepage that sits alongside the main header above the fold.

It basically runs through how the tool works and shows what it looks like in action. This gives prospects an idea of what they can expect when they sign up.

Main Landing Pages and Product Pages

As well as displaying an explainer video on your homepage, you might also want to put them on your product pages and any major landing pages you have - particularly landing pages that are part of a social media marketing funnel.

Studies have shown that landing pages with an explainer video on get around 80% more conversions - that’s a difficult stat to ignore.

This example from Renderforest has a video to explain each feature of their product on each individual product page.

FAQs Page

Your FAQs page is an important part of your site. It’s where prospects go to have their questions answered, which means it’s the perfect place to put up a few explainer videos - especially for questions that tackle complex parts of your product or service.

You can simply create a few short troubleshooting explainer videos that resolve any issues that potential customers might have with buying your product.

This video from Mulesoft explains a common question their customers have: what is an API?

  1. Retarget Runaway Prospects

It’s very unlikely that visitors to your website will make a purchase on their first visit. Instead, it usually takes around seven touchpoints with a prospect before they will actually buy from you.

In this case, you can run a simple retargeting campaign that uses an explainer video to capture the attention of prospects who know who you are but haven’t yet bought from you.

These people have already visited your website and have shown an interest in your product, so all you need to do is create a simple explainer video that either tackles a major objection they might have or shows them how your product is going to change their life.

This example from Commotion Engine uses a simple explainer video to recapture the attention of potential buyers.


Explainer Videos Work At Every Stage of the Funnel

Incorporating explainer videos into your marketing campaigns can skyrocket your conversion rates.

Not only can they be used to generate more shares and get more attention on social media, but they can also get you more sales once visitors actually land on your site.

The ability to share complex messages quickly and concisely is invaluable in an age where attention spans are shorter than ever. So, if you’re not already making and using explainer videos in your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.



Author: Scott Miraglia

Scott is the CEO of Elevation Marketing. He is a balanced risk-taker with nearly three decades of experience starting and growing advertising and marketing agencies. His business acumen is matched with a drive to build creative teams that thrive in open, collaborative work environments. Scott seeks out the best creative individuals, not only to provide quality service to clients, but to also help shape the future direction of Elevation Marketing. He remains dedicated to helping his talented teams develop unique and effective integrated marketing programs that help employees realize their full potential while serving up impressive business wins for clients.