Hussle Blog & News

How to Make and Send Interactive Holiday Greetings

Written by nFusz Admin | Nov 6, 2018 4:00:00 PM

     FINALLY! We’re closer to Christmas! We know the yearly sign of joy and happiness starts with all Halloween makeup officially being wiped away, pumpkin spiced lattes (and candles for the non-caffeine addicts out there) fumigating their sweet scents in the air, and playlists of throwback Yuletide movies are being prepped to watch. But we can’t forget one of the most important items on the list.

     Greeting cards! They never seem to fail to bring the maximum allotted amount of joy at any given time, and every year, it’s always a challenge to outdo your best work.

     So, what are you sending your loved ones this year? Card? Ugh, too many addresses to collect. eCard? Are these even still a thing? Video? Can’t we just FaceTime on Christmas? We’ll just answer for you… an interactive video holiday greeting is the only way to go! So, let’s tackle how to get into the holiday spirit by breaking down an interactive video created by our partners at Jaymie Scotto & Associates!

     This joyous group compiled a very festive message to share with their mailing list, and they have some sweet vocals to match their calls-to-actions! View it below:

     We love videos like these because they truly show the power of video, and if this is your first time joining us in our blog section, check out our other posts “4 Tips for a successful CTA video” and  “Best practices for shooting video.”

     Team JSA really nailed it with their execution and here are the reasons why:

1.Clear CTAs

     Simple buttons that state clearly what the audience is to do at the intended time are most effective because there is a sense of urgency that comes with this type of engagement. To place an effective button exactly when you want the user to interact is imperative to any successful campaign (or especially a great holiday message). Imagine if the CTA button led to a wish list, party invitations/rsvp, or even some holiday recipes. JSA accomplished this well, and we hope its sparks some creativity on your end for your holiday video.

2. Attention to detail with theme and script.

     When producing a professional video that has a relaxed tone, it can easily confuse your audience in more ways than one. For a successful video about a “Santa Savings” sale during Black Friday, it may benefit you to craft your message only around the products and where to purchase them. Your CTA buttons should lead directly to the cart or registration form online and that’s it. However, a message just spreading holiday cheer may have a more difficult goal to accomplish. JSA allows you to take in their message little by little before sharing the idea that you may want to create a message of your own as well. By splitting the script in multiple areas between their team, it’s easy to see why the video was fun to watch. The timing is perfectly executed because the video is long enough to allow 10+ people to have a speaking role (even the cute doggy bark), but short enough to keep engagement high.

3. Good balance of text, graphics, and video

     Although some videos have a certain style all their own, it’s good to have a good balance of elements in one video. It provides a fluidness to the final product that couldn’t be accomplished with one element alone. JSA framed the entire video inside of a Christmas tree motion graphic, and it provided the ‘greeting card’ feel we’ve all grown to know and love. Match that with the singing cheer, puppy love, and heartfelt message, and you have a video the whole office can dub #ChristmasGoals.

     What did you think of JSA’s interactive holiday greeting? Did it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Ready to bake us (we mean you) some warm sugar cookies and put on a good Christmas sweater so you can record your own interactive video? Maybe make our wish come true and schedule a demo to see how you can get started? Trust us, a video from you would make our year!