Hussle Blog & News

How to Create a Selfie Interactive in Under 5 Minutes

Written by nFusz Admin | Aug 1, 2018 3:00:00 PM
Creating an interactive video can seem like a complicated process from the outside. If we didn’t know better, imagined hassles of producing a video compounded by the fantasized trickiness of making something interactive would sound like a whole lot of headache. Luckily, technology has made creating interactive and engaging clips a breeze. It really is as simple as a few clicks. We’re going to walk you through how to create an interactive video in 5 minutes using nothing more than your webcam. Using nFusz for Your Selfie Interactive Video After logging in to nFusz, head over to the “Video Manager” section of your dashboard.  Click on “New Video” in your dashboard. While there are options to upload a readymade video, today is all about speed. Ignore the first two options (“Standard Video” and “Upload Video”). To get you going with as little prep as possible, we’re going right to your computer’s webcam. Click “Record Webcam” and you’ll be on your way. We mean that quite literally by the way. As soon as you click record webcam, the video starts recording. Sorry if that startles you but we’re all about speed today. Be sure that you’ve worked out what you’re going to say before clicking and it should all work out fine. And don’t worry too much about getting it down pat. If you stumble through a line, hitting “New Record” takes you right back to the beginning. You get as many tries as you want—ain’t digital video grand? If you do like what you’ve recorded on the first go—or if you’ve given it enough goes to get it absolutely perfect—just click upload and our platform sends it straight to YouTube, then pulls that YouTube video back into the platform so that you can start adding your customer-grabbing bells and whistles. Heading back to the video manager part of your dashboard, click the plus sign to add the interactive aspect of your video. In the case of our own video, we added a link to our website by clicking “link” and then using the image and text feature to add a clickable button for our viewers to interact with. This simple button, created via a just as simple process, will grab consumers while they’re still thinking about your product and put them on the path to buying. What to Consider with Interactive Videos Choose the length of interactivity that you want for the object. You can make elements interactive for a few seconds, if you just want a quick flash to grab the customer’s attention. If you want to give them some time to mull it over, that’s an option as well.  In the case of our link button, we went with the remaining duration of the video to ensure that any viewers who felt that they wanted to learn more could head to our website at any time. Place the button (or other interactive aspect) wherever you want within the video and hit save to finish up your video. A quick play-through will show you that your interactives are up and running. We’ve made a fully interactive video in less than 5 minutes—you wouldn’t have time to get a headache over it if you tried. Interactive videos used to be the sole domain of the incredibly tech-savvy, only available to groups who had video production talent and technical wizardry to spare. Thanks to the magic of readily available webcams (and the platform we’ve created), now anybody who wants to make an interactive video can have one quickly and easily. Get in touch with nFusz today to learn more about how you can start using interactive videos of your own to engage and entice potential customers with a minimum of fuss or know-how.