Hussle Blog & News

How effective is Interactive Video within your LinkedIn profile?

Written by nFusz Admin | Aug 7, 2018 3:00:00 PM

When LinkedIn launched in May 2003, it served primarily as an internet hub for business professionals to view and share resumes, post and respond to job listings, and allow entry position workers to engage with top CEOs and board members as if its domain was one large international Chrysler Building. The trail of digital media was becoming more vibrant as social media platforms were being launched, and the creation Reid Hoffman introduced to the world was sharing the same leading space as one of the most popular social networking sites ever - Myspace.

Flash forward to today, where video has taken its rightful place at the top of the food chain. Video on LinkedIn can be the best weapon in your arsenal as it already adds credibility to your company, showcases you and your company’s expertise, and certainly gives your audience a taste of what it is that you do. Now take these videos and make them INTERACTIVE. Your timeline has just burst at the seams with an influx of engagement. The power of viewing your click-by-click analytics is giving your sales team an overwhelming stint of joy (and even some well-deserved dance-breaks.) You are now competing in a league reserved ultimately for winners, early adopters, “go-getters”, and closers. LinkedIn understands the value and power of video. An acquisition of in 2015, an eLearning platform with a very extensive video library, and the launch of the current website design in 2017, brought the company’s visual appearance into the same ballpark as Facebook. When you scroll through the timeline of a LinkedIn page it no longer looks like an un-engaging webpage but is now a rolodex of information, design, and crisp videos that play when you scroll to them. With interactive videos embedded into your LinkedIn timeline, the clickable calls-to-action you create, show a personal addition to the videos your company has already created. The engagement you receive goes beyond just receiving a ‘like, comment, or share”, you now have the power to see exactly what your audience interacts and responds to – just from your video! Our own VP of Business Development, Dennis McMurray, is an avid member of the LinkedIn community. “Connecting” with him will send you on a journey of shared content and posts that include interactive video by nFusz. He is very interested in helping you incorporate our interactive video technology in your marketing, and he even carved out a moment to be in-front camera to briefly show you a look at our platform. Check out the video below:      

  Are your sales initiatives looking for that boost we just mentioned? Is your time on LinkedIn and social media being utilized well? Ready to try out our interactive video technology? You can sign up HERE.