Hussle Blog & News

How technology can transform a classroom

Written by verb | Apr 16, 2019 3:00:00 PM

Engagement in today’s world has completely shifted and technology is at the forefront, driving interaction that was once unimaginable. There is no doubt that with the advancement of technology, educational systems have begun altering strategies to effectively present information to appeal to the younger generation’s appetite for all that technology has to offer. The youngsters of today basically come out of the womb with a smart phone in hand ready to take on the continuous evolution of technology. I have seen toddlers operate a smart phone at faster speeds than their parents! Because of this, schools across the country have adapted to the efficiency and simplicity that technology provides by using strategies like, distributing laptops to students to complete work, but it must not stop there.  

Learning styles differ from child to child, and as society continues to learn more about these differences and preferences, our schools cannot continue to pump out instruction in the same old traditional form. Therefore, Verb believes video should be incorporated into everyday lesson plans and procedures to broaden opportunities for learning and connection. In addition, video (coupled with Verb’s taggEDU) will be the gateway to more meaningful and powerful engagement between teachers, students, families, and institutions. We want to share with you why video is important in education, and why taggEDU can transform the classroom while improving connections.


Utilizing technology and video

Especially as students move into middle school and the fast-paced transition between classes adds an extra amount of pressure to stay on track and keep up, time in the classroom is extremely valuable. Students that are below the average learning level, struggle with mental health or behavioral issues, or simply find it difficult to sit through hours of instruction each day, may fall behind. Because our brain is naturally a visual processor and retains information with visuals at a higher rate compared to verbal processing or reading text, video should be incorporated into daily less plans. As reported by Psychology Today, visuals can help decrease the amount of time needed to learn information, improve comprehension, and increase retention—how incredible!

Video bulldozes barriers and connects people to one another, places, and things. Content from video provides the world with experience and opportunity, and it is what the younger generation wants to see. YouTube has proven this over the years and gives teachers the opportunity to take education in a different direction. Talk all the smack you want, Grandma and Grandpa, today’s youth may crave technology and video, but the bridges built by technology has been unbelievably impactful. Imagine a fourth-grade student learning vocabulary words from other fourth-grade students. Go ahead, YouTube it! There are countless videos of students spelling vocabulary words, using words in a sentence, or acting words out to better understand the meaning.

On a more advanced level, technology has begun to take over higher education. Students can participate in distance learning to receive a quality education while still feeling connected and engaged through video. Also, instructors can record lecture for students to watch at their own convenience as many times as needed to retain important information.


Optimize time in the classroom

Video can add a new aspect to learning that can help teachers optimize classroom time, so instruction time is decreased, and discussion time is increased. Imagine, creating video instruction to be uploaded into your dashboard for all students to view as many times as needed, so returning to the classroom is about coming together, interacting, and immediately implementing the lesson plan. More time will be available to discuss the given topic as students come to class prepared to ask questions.

The beauty of video allows students to watch on repeat until the concept is understood and unanswered questions can be presented within the classroom setting. With taggEDU, students can click on a button within the video to submit questions even before entering the classroom, so teachers can prepare for quality discussion time. Plus, teachers can view which students watched the assigned video with the technology and analytics provided by taggEDU. Gone are the days of “my dog ate my homework”, little Johnny, your future self will thank us! Teachers can hold students more accountable to their learning experience by adding taggs within videos prompting engagement by instructing students to answer and ask questions all within the video. Tagg analytics will provide teachers with who watched, clicked on buttons, and finished the video, giving teachers a much better idea of what, exactly, needs to be focused on during classroom time.

Additionally, no longer will there be wasted days due to teacher illness. We all remember the excitement of hearing that a substitute would fill in for our sick teacher. Movie day! Well, not anymore. Teachers can pre-record videos to use with Verb’s technology that will give the substitute teacher access to videos that allow students to progress in their learning to maximize class time so that students can still reach learning goals.


Opportunities for non-traditional students

Technology has the ability to destroy barriers for those who learn non-traditionally. It is no longer acceptable for educational institutions to expect all students to learn in the same form. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that in 2017, 11 percent of children were diagnosed with ADHD—a mental disorder affecting organizational skills, attention, and memory. Disorders, such as ADHD, can create challenging work environments and make sitting through hours of verbal instruction extremely difficult. Video instruction can give students who struggle in a traditional classroom setting a flipped classroom experience with the opportunity to watch and learn in an emotionally safe environment at their own pace. The less heightened the mind, the more information can be retained. Video will provide a more engaging sensory experience and could help those who find it difficult to remain focused throughout class periods more connected and engaged.

Sick days? Not anymore! Especially as students advance to high school, taking a day off for physical or mental health almost adds more stress due to the large amount of work and instruction missed. Video and taggEDU could give students the opportunity to stay on track and remain connected from the comfort of home.


Improved connection

Not only can technology improve the classroom experience for teachers and students, but video and technology also have the power to transform the relationship between administrators and parents by connecting on a different level. Video helps create a level of trust through emotion that text cannot establish as easily. Administrative staff can record videos for weekly updates, upcoming school activities, and volunteer opportunities. Clickable features by taggEDU help make it easy for parents to connect and engage through an simple click on a “calendar” button within a video to schedule their volunteer slot for the concession stand during their child’s game, or by submitting a question to administrative staff by using the “email” button or “phone pad” to call the office directly for real-time talk. Between technology and taggEDU, stronger connection is built and made easy


It is obvious that as technology becomes a part of day-to-day life, educational systems should recognize the power that technology and video could have in the classroom. Video enhances learning and encourages student engagement; along with taggEDU, video can maximize classroom time and build a connection between teachers, students, and parents, that will improve the overall educational experience.

