Hussle Blog & News

Give the brain what it wants to see in video

Written by verb | Feb 26, 2019 4:00:00 PM

     If you consistently follow our blog, you already know by now that we believe video to be the most effective strategy to communicate and engage with customers. Video has taken over social media platforms and provided individuals the opportunity to connect with friends, family, and business partners, all through video chat. Video is even integrated into simple, daily activities, like ordering a coffee at the Starbucks drive through. I love pulling up to the menu screen to see an actual person appear to take my order. It feels more personal despite the big chain name. There are, however, certain aspects about video that the brain tends to focus on during viewing whether we are aware or not. As reported by Fabrik, 90 percent of buying decisions are done subconsciously. Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your next video to post on your website, blog, social media page, or email attachment. Understanding these simple brain preferences will help increase engagement and make the most of your marketing strategies.  


Use that color wheel

    It is true that there are colors that appeal to the eye more than others without us even knowing. Colors can maximize attention spans in videos by engaging the viewer, as well as calm the senses, or help build trust. Color can also have negative effects by giving a bland experience, or even being overly chaotic.  Use something as simple as color choice to help get the appropriate message across.



     Red is bold and viewed as a color of power. Red represents confidence and is appealing to viewers because of its warm tone. Incorporating red into something like, a demo video, whether it’s a piece of clothing, text, or background, will convey a strong message, while being equally comforting. Try not to go overboard; while red is classic, it is also incredibly memorable, and you don’t want a viewer walking away from the video overwhelmed.


     Let’s jump a few colors down the color wheel and talk about blue. You can’t go wrong with blue. Use blue to signify trust and stability. Blue can also be matched well with many other colors, such as orange and shades of gold. To be perceived as timeless and sophisticated, try combining blue with gray.


     Shifting gears to colors that don’t work well in video. Yellow often represent joy, however, it is one of the most exhausting colors for the eye. Depending on the length of your video, you may be able to use yellow as an eye-catching effect, but the brain doesn’t want to stare at bright yellow for more than a few seconds. It can be irritating to the eye, so if you must, make sure to dull the tone as much as possible.


     While white can represent sophistication, it often communicates to the brain a message of “don’t touch!” Be very strategic of the usage of white. You can easily send the message that your product is effective, but you can just as easily turn a viewer’s brain off. White works well for products or businesses that offer “white glove service” but staying relatable is important. White is a reflective color that can send force onto our eyes that creates strain, so use it gently.


     Color is a simple yet, powerful tool for conveying a strong message. Color can also send a conflicting message, so be strategic with the color of wardrobe, text, and background choices. As always, determine a clear goal for your video, and beware of the alternate effects of color choices based on your goal.


Less is more

     It is important to send a clear and meaningful message in your video, but don’t over do it. Viewers want value and certainly do not want to be bored, so be careful not to overstimulate. Have you ever seen an episode of Baby Einstein? It’s created to keep the attention span of a baby and it about put me into a coma the first time I watched with the constant transition of color, sound, and tone.  It’s one thing to be eye-catching, but it’s important to convey a simple message that produces an “easy to use” and problem-solving approach for your product.


Consistency matters

     According to studies, our brain is able to process in between 40 and 50 percent of visual information. Visual nerves from the eye are directly connected to the visual cortex in the brain that receives and scans images. Not all the visual information that enters the brain remains there, so consistency is key. I’m not suggesting that all videos look alike but find something that is unique to your brand and run with it. Maybe it’s your logo that appears frequently, the music that plays, or the color scheme used. Identify what works, and consistently incorporate this into your videos to give viewers a memorable experience.



     A study conducted by comScore found that Millennials, the nation’s largest group of consumers, require ads to be no more than 6 seconds in length to meet the needs of their attention spans. You read that correctly. Millennials have an attention span that allows only 6 seconds before possible distraction. It is imperative to the success of video content to get the message out quickly enough to spike interest in the brain.  Video is going to drive engagement, so catching the eye of the viewer right away is important. If the viewer never reaches the call of action within the video, the likelihood that the viewer will engage in the future is low. Catch the brain’s attention by knowing your audience. As always, establish a goal based on your audience. Verb’s taggCRM will hook you up! Software that delivers analytics that identifies who is watching your videos and for how long will help determine what your first 6 seconds should look like.



        Considering that the brain is attracted to certain colors, prefers simplicity, thrives on consistency, and may need to be sparked within a few seconds, some properly crafted video work will add a return on your investment. Knowing your target with the help of taggCRM’s powerful analytics will allow you to share videos that appeal directly to your target audience. Let us help you understand more about the brains you are speaking to through analytics. Set up a demo with us!