Hussle Blog & News

Company Highlight: JSA Interview

Written by nFusz Admin | Nov 13, 2018 9:44:06 PM

Today, let’s start off with a realization.

     Not only is it a re-energizing motive behind some future ‘greatness’, but it is also a key reminder of the message we want to share in every part of our operation:

Interactive Video is powerful.

      Last week, we featured JSA and their interactive video greeting for the 2018 holiday season. Not only did we feature their video as part of a ‘how-to’ entry, but we highlighted certain sections we thought were fun to dive into because let’s face it – You need to create one for yourself too!      

     But what it did was open the door to talk to Jaymie Cutaia (CEO of JSA), about their video and interactive video as a whole.


     When Jaymie is not traveling and speaking at a copious amount of conferences (believe us, she keeps mighty busy), she’s booked all day on team/client calls, planning her next speaking event, and finding out new ways to be innovative within the tech and telecommunication industry.

      Here’s the exclusive video, but if you are looking for more mental stimulation, the transcript from our 6-question interview is right below.



Jaymie, Can you tell me a little about yourself and JSA?

Sure-- started JSA nearly 14 years ago as the first PR, marketing and event planning company serving the telecom industry. I did this based on a need I saw in the industry. Prior to JSA, I was head of marketing and PR for Telx.

What/Who is a JSA super client? What do they do, and how do they shine?


I love the term ‘super client’ and certainly it’s an important question that we as marketers help our clients create - that ideal customer personal.  Ours here at JSA, are clients who are not just telecom network operators, technologists or data center/colo operators but more so are trying to transform our industry. They have a unique perspective, there’s a momentum in their business model, and they have a unique vision that can truly inspire change and growth in our community.  These types of companies tend to be large enough that they are stable but still small enough to be agile and entrepreneurial spirited. I think like most people, I want to be inspired (so do our readers and viewers) and it’s important that we spend our time promoting leaders/visionaries and there’s a greater good they are interested in promoting or doing. It’s important to us that they also have similar core values.  

Obviously when making a greeting of any kind you’re thinking of your clients and audience, what stands out to you the most when wanting to connect with your audience?

I love using the holidays as a time to give back-- ensuring it’s a season of thanks and charity. So, promoting your favorite charity through your holiday messaging is a wonderful thing to do. Our clients in Christmases past used the opportunity to send their clients a video message. It lets them know that in lieu of a holiday client gift, they’ve given to a charity in their clients’ name-- it’s just a great way to pay it forward.

Why video as opposed to text or written email?

Impact.  Video receives up to 600% more attention, click-through and in a word impact. You can send video now through nFusz technology via a text or email- or social post- so it no longer has to be a choice. But to really answer the why here- why is video so impactful, I think it’s just more of an honest communication. The only thing better is face-to-face interaction which is impossible to do often and to many, but with video, you can share the people behind the brands, the true excitement and passion behind the products and service, the imagination and inspiration behind the entrepreneur. That’s so exciting to me and really makes me more of a dedicated consumer and/or investor of that brand.

What is the coolest video you’ve ever seen? (can be a scene in a movie, a viral video, an ad, etc.) Why? Did it have a call to action?

Ah great question -- I don’t know about cool but impactful--- impactful video. It makes me think of several years ago, (before nFusz’s interactive video) there was a scare of dog food made in China being poisoned, and there must have been a really bad batch in my area. A lot of my other dog mom friends and I were very concerned. Some of the neighborhood pets were being rushed to the vets and not doing well. So, as a concerned dog mom I went to the website of the dog food that I trusted. On the homepage, the CEO of that dog food brand, had posted a video - a really heartfelt video where he seemed like he was talking directly at me-- letting me know that he stood behind the US-owned and operated brand, that all the food was 100% American and healthy and trusted. I remember thinking- he’s got a customer for life- I’ll never change brands.

What is your favorite call to action?

Great question!  I will tell you the one we get requested the most and gets so much attention and response is when we throw up a cell phone face and say “call me” -- dial in your number and we will ring you right back.  I still get amazed at that technology every time I test it out and use it! I love showing it to clients, because their faces are amazing- it’s like having the power to do a really cool magic trick.

- End

Thank You Jaymie for joining us!