Hussle Blog & News

Best practices for shooting video đź“ą

Written by nFusz Admin | Oct 16, 2018 3:00:00 PM

     Video production can be daunting, there’s a lot to think about. People take workshop classes, go to film school for years, take internships, and more just to master the art of video production. But in all honesty, it’s only as complicated as you make it. With a few simple tips, you’ll be on the right track to making quality videos that you can then import into your notifiCRM platform, make interactive, and wow your leads and prospects with a nicely produced interactive video.

     It would be very easy to go down the rabbit hole of video production, overwhelm you with a plethora of information in hopes that after you’re done reading this you’ll be ready to make Transformers 5 (watch out Michael Bay), but this is not a master class. And if you’re reading this I would assume that’s not what you’re looking for either. In all seriousness, it is important to shoot quality video. There’s no sense in making a video interactive if the quality makes the video too distracting in the first place, and with the advances in technology and professional quality video cameras right in our phones, we no longer have any excuse not to create a quality video.

     So here are THREE of what we feel like are the most important areas of production to create a quality video.  


     We’ll start with focus, and no I’m not talking about closing your eyes, finding your happy place, blocking out the world around you meditation type of focus. Keep up people, this is a blog about video production, not Yogananda. We’re talking about focus as in blurry video or sharp video. When something is shot “soft” (a technical term for out of focus footage) it’s a tell-tale sign you don’t know what you’re doing, but also a very easy issue to fix. Depending on the camera you’re using it could have an auto-focus feature. Use it. If not, below is a video walking you through the easiest ways to find focus using your camera or iPhone. It will save you from the utter sadness that ensues after you get the perfect take and then after playback realize your footage is not in focus.


     Next, we come to something we personally think is overlooked by most inexperienced individuals starting out shooting videos – lighting. It goes very hand in hand with focus because it’s another visual aspect of your video, and if you don’t care about the visual aspect of your video, why send a video to anyone to view in the first place? Lighting is something you HAVE to think about before you shoot your video. Now, we’re not saying you need to go out and get studio lighting or anything like that (but if you want a cheap set is right here), just make sure there is ample amount of lighting where you plan on shooting your video. So, if you’re inside, grab a lamp or two and brighten up the space or stand by a window works really well. Or, if you’re outside, make sure its sunny and face the direction where the sun is lighting up that beautiful face of yours. Also, lighting also creates mood and I imagine you’re not sending out interactive obituaries so make sure you and the space you’re in is well lit. Pro-Tip: try your best not to shoot around noon if you’re outside as the sun is directly over your head and creates harsh shadows on your face. Trust me – not a good look.



     It’s about the angles baby. Remember that time at the function, that group asked you to take their picture and the one girl kept yelling out “higher, higher, higher”…well that’s cause she knows her angles - she understands the appropriate framing and she’s just a seasoned vet at this stuff. Framing = flattering. You don’t want the camera too low or else your viewer would be looking up your nose – gross. Too high above you and now you just look like Peter Dinklage (we do love him though in GOT s/o Tyrion Lannister).

     The move is to have your camera generally at about eye level to you or the subject you’re shooting. This isn’t art people, we're just trying to get our interactive message out to our leads and prospects and close some sales. With that being said, it’s also imperative to think about frame because that’s where your call to actions will be placed within your interactive video. That way you can leave room in your - you guessed it - FRAME for your interactive button(s). So next time, you should listen to Karen at the function regarding the angles no matter if she’s 8 Cosmo’s deep - she’s your friend and she’s trying to help you out.