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Become an Expert on Interactive Video in 15 Minutes

Written by nFusz Admin | Jan 22, 2019 4:15:00 PM

      Let’s bring 15 minutes up on the countdown. *inserts oddly large but satisfying clock and begins*

      We all have videos recorded somewhere. We upload moments to our social media platforms, and us serious video-makers go the extra mile and upload them online to our websites.

      As a quick side note, I remember when our VP of Business Development, Dennis McMurray, spoke at an event in the second half of 2018. As a very energetic advocate for how powerful video is in our lives and after a series of questions, he asked one simple question to a volunteer in the audience. “How many videos do you currently have in your phone right now?” Unanimously, the room acknowledged as he pointed out… Video is truly intertwined into our lives. 


     Now, these videos you have compiled together are ready to be shared with the world. You know it’s easy for your viewers to click a play button, but in business, you want to capitalize on their attention and interest. You want them to be active participants in your video, not just passive observers.

      Now this is the part where we get interactive! When you add a clickable call to action, or tagg your video, you create engaged and active viewers and lead your audience down the specific engagement path that you’ve designed. With in-video call-to-actions, you can:

  • Guide your customers along the buying journey, directly from video to product detail page to payment portal.
  • Lead a viewer straight from the end of an FAQ video directly to contact the support team via chat or phone. (Again, within the video might I add!)
  • Offer employees a pathway to supplemental training material right there inside the video player.

     In any of these circumstances, you can simply add a clickable call to action interactive layer to your video and you’re able to send your viewers wherever you want. Your audience, caught up in the momentum of your message, can now move directly from your video to the website you’ve directed them to.

     With taggLITE, adding a call to action to a video is as easy as choosing what you want the call to action to say, where you want it to link, and where you want it to appear on your video. Simple. In just a few clicks you’re able to not just reach your audience but engage them.

Those passive viewers? They’re now active participants.

       Many B2B marketers are using video today to connect with their customers in an engaging way. But it’s not enough to talk to customers; brands need to engage in 2-way conversations with customers.


What can I do to inspire action with 2-way dialogue?

     Marketers can always make their video content more engaging. Look at the amount of A/B testing that goes on with the pre-roll videos on YouTube alone. With interactive video, add a form to the beginning of a video, or a “learn more” call to action part way through. At the end of your video, you can have the viewer redirected to a web page or presented with a follow up correspondence. Interactive video is the new way to help deepen engagement.


What is interactive video? How does it work?

      Interactive video builds on the success brands are seeing with video by adding interactive experiences that draw audiences even deeper into their content while offering new ways to gather customer insights. In laymen’s terms, it pretty much is the super cool older brother to regular video, and he has a sweet convertible that he rebuilt with his dad last summer. #dreamy.

      As an audience watches a video, interactive tools can pop up encouraging the audience to engage. Because interactive elements for that specific video are customizable, the questions can test how well the audience understands the content or how interested or likely they are to take the next step. These are incredibly valuable insights that can help marketers to make better decisions and that sales can use to help close deals!


How can make a video interactive?

      In all honesty, it’s very simple and you’d be surprised how much the ROI will improve after making interactive videos. If you signed up for your own test drive, you at least have the sign up process out of the way. The last 5 minutes of this journey today can be spent watching this video on how to make an interactive video in under 5 minutes. Check it out below.


     How many videos do you have in your phone right now? On your YouTube channel? Think of the opportunities that could be gained if we added interactivity and resurrected them from those deep ashes of Forgottenland. Maybe setting up a demo is in your foreseeable future. Click Here, and set up a meeting with us, while your attention is at its highest!