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5 Types of Video That Spice Up Any Marketing Strategy

Written by verb | Jul 2, 2019 3:00:00 PM

We can confidently say that the words, “I regret incorporating video into my marketing strategy” have never been spoken.


Video is a fun, engaging, and powerful way to effectively get your message out there to help form a better connection between company and customer. Video allows for creativity and emotion to show through in ways above and beyond what text can offer. We do understand that making the initial jump into the world of video is no small leap, and that it may be easiest to stick with the most familiar strategies. This, however, is not an effective approach.



It is important that you develop a clear plan to ensure your video strategy doesn’t become stale or repetitive. Step out of your comfort zone and give your plan some flavor! Not only should your video content vary to keep people interested and engaged, but everyone is at a different stage in the buying process, and it is important to always keep this in mind.


We want to share 5 video ideas that you can rotate into your video marketing strategy to get the attention of your audience and keep them engaged.  


Follow-up video


Follow-up is one of the most basic components of a successful marketing plan but can also be one of the most over-looked. Marketing teams often spend too much time creating strategies that attract customers, but not enough time building relationship with a follow-up.


Following up holds value because you are facilitating engagement with potential customers who have already shown interest. Generating new leads is the difficult part—the follow up is acknowledging interest, saying ‘thank you’, or connecting after a meeting to immediately schedule your next interaction. The follow-up video shouldn’t necessarily be focused on making a sale, rather, building trust and making a connection.


There is no wrong opportunity for the follow up. Use each interaction and any spark of interest as an opportunity to connect.



‘Thank you’ follow-up


This is a perfect chance to show gratitude to existing clients. The thank you doesn’t need to be a grand gesture, simply a video letting your audience know you appreciate their business. Want to go a step further? Throw in a discount code to really prove you value their business and want to keep them coming back. Any company that sends me a “thank you for your purchase, enjoy 10% off on us” follow-up video, will keep my business all—day—long.


Follow-up to facilitate further engagement


Another prime opportunity to follow-up is immediately after a website visitor has engaged by signing up for emails, subscribed to blogs, or requested more information. The importance of this follow-up is extremely high because the interest is already there and initiated by the visitor.


A request to receive emails or blogs is like saying “tell me more!”


Connect after an interaction


Following up after giving a sales presentation or demo is another powerful way to connect. It’s another way to show appreciation and a great way to summarize key points from the meeting.


Hubspot reports that no more than 24 hours should pass before a standard follow up. 


Demo video


People want to know how your product can benefit them—period. But demo videos do more than just show consumers why they should purchase your product. Demo videos are a perfect way to engage and connect with potential customers, and an opportunity to build trust. Here are some impressive stats from Hubspot that prove why demo videos should always be in your video lineup:


  • 71 percent of consumers think that video explains product better
  • 73 percent more viewers who watch product videos will buy
  • 58 percent of shoppers think companies with product videos can be trusted


The thing about a demo video is, you can post it just about anywhere. Upload to your “stories” or business social media page, or include a demo in an email, or on a landing page.



Customer testimonial video


One of the best forms of advertisement (and most flattering) is word of mouth. Being able to hear a real story about how your product improved a real customer’s life in some way will help your business build credibility. So make it count because 84 percent of consumers say they either completely or somewhat trust the recommendations from others, and 74 percent use it as a key influencer.


Encourage existing customers to record a video of their experience with your company. Ask them to talk about something other than the quality of the product, rather, the experience they had with your company and how they were treated. This will help build trust and confidence in not only your product, but your business as a whole.


Behind the scenes video


Getting a behind the scenes video out there for consumers to see is a great way to connect with people. The behind the scenes video will help humanize your company and will also add some character to your brand. Consider taking viewers through a live, behind-the-scenes process, that showcases your business’s employees and work ethic. Utilize social media and stories on Facebook and Instagram to highlight the work put into creating your brand on a day-to-day basis.


Give your audience a ‘sneak peek’ and use the behind the scenes video to be real with customers. This is a great way to tell your story and show off the successes of your company along with the fails. Yes, the fails. The unsuccessful moments that have made your business and the people who run it, stronger.


Advertisement video


Last, but certainly not least, the advertisement video. The video where your creativity can run wild. The opportunities for advertisement videos are endless because there are countless directions to go and multiple platforms to get the job done.


An advertisement video can get straight to the point and show exactly why your product rocks, or, go with a more subtle approach and show how your product can solve a problem. Either way, there should be a clear purpose behind the advertisement with a call to action to top it off.


In addition to capturing attention with a killer video, you want to inspire action. Motivate action through your CTA to schedule a demo or free trial, or talk directly to a sales rep to learn more about your company and product. Give potential customers the opportunity to be more educated on your product by prompting them to sign up for your newsletter or subscribe to emails. Increase the number of chances you have to engage by jumping on opportunities to build trust with a call to action within your video advertisement.


Just like any video, you’ll want to test which ones work best. With taggCRM and the analytics provided to you, you can make informed decisions to guide your next move.


You can decide for yourself which types of videos make the final cut by understanding what works, and what doesn’t, just by adding a simple tagg to your videos by Verb.


Don’t let your video marketing strategy get boring. Rotate the types of videos you use to keep things exciting, and be sure to make your next move based on informed decisions with taggCRM. Let us know your thoughts below.